In Greece, where everything is turned to account, the
owners of the gymnasia have introduced the very excretions[1]
even of the human body among the most efficient remedies;
so much so, indeed, that the scrapings from the bodies of the
athletes are looked upon as possessed of certain properties of
an emollient, calorific, resolvent, and expletive nature, resulting from the compound of human sweat and oil. These
scrapings are used, in the form of a pessary, for inflammations
and contractions of the uterus: similarly employed, they act
as an emmenagogue, and are useful for reducing condylomata
and inflammations of the rectum, as also for assuaging pains
The shameless and disgusting researches that have been made will quite transcend all belief, when we find authors of the very highest repute proclaiming aloud that the male seminal fluid is a sovereign remedy for the sting of the scorpion! In the case too, of women afflicted with sterility, they recommend the application of a pessary, made of the first excrement that is voided by an infant at the moment of its birth; the name they give it is "meconium."[3] They have even gone so far, too, as to scrape the very filth from off the walls of the gymnasia, and to assert that this is also possessed of certain calorific properties. These scrapings are used as a resolvent for inflamed tumours, and are applied topically to ulcers upon aged people and children, and to excoriations and burns.